Dear IPC Members:
As we approach the halfway point of 2022, it remains a busy time for IPC advocacy efforts.
Over the past month, IPC has been leading a multi-industry effort to rally congressional support for the U.S. electronics supply chain, including PCBs and more. If you have not done so already, please send a note to your Members of Congress now, urging them to cosponsor this critical legislation. It only takes a minute and has a real impact. |
Meanwhile, there remain active opportunities to make your voice heard in the environment and health arena, including one at the U.S. EPA that ends next week on June 9. Let us know if you have any questions. As always, please let me know if you have any questions or suggestions for IPC advocacy.
All the best,
Chris Mitchell
Vice President, Global Government Relations
The Headlines at a Glance:
- Help IPC Secure Cosponsors on Bill to Boost U.S. Electronics Sector
- EPA Comment Period on 20 Toxic Substances Ends Next Week
- EU Commission Opens Talks on New Rules for Sustainable Products
- Canada Proposes Limits on Flame Retardants, Other EEE Substances
- China Cancels Imported Coatings Requirement
- Join Experts at 2022 Critical Environmental Requirements for Electronics Conference
Help IPC Secure Cosponsors on Bill to Boost U.S. Electronics Sector: In less than a month, IPC’s Action Alert Center has enabled more than 60 IPC members in 27 states to send messages to their Members of Congress, urging them to support a bipartisan proposal that would help bring back the U.S. printed circuit board (PCB) sector. This is a great start, but we need your help to secure more cosponsors on this critical bill! Read this blog to learn more, or proceed directly to the IPC Action Alert Center to ask your Members of Congress to cosponsor the Supporting American Printed Circuit Boards Act of 2022. IPC Contact: Ken Schramko.
EPA Comment Period on 20 Toxic Substances Ends Next Week: The deadline to comment on the reopened dockets for 20 high-priority substances for risk evaluation under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) is coming up soon. This provides an additional opportunity for the electronics manufacturing industry to submit information that would help inform the risk evaluation processes for these chemicals, some of which have relevance to electronics manufacturing processes and products. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) dockets are open until next week, June 9. Please let us know if you are interested in this opportunity to inform future policy decisions. IPC Contact: Kelly Scanlon.
EU Commission Opens Talks on New Rules for Sustainable Products: The European Commission has opened a public consultation on a regulation that would repeal the existing Ecodesign Directive and establish a new framework for setting ecodesign requirements for sustainable products. The proposed regulation notably includes requirements for identifying substances of concern across a product’s life cycle and other information requirements, including a digital product passport. The consultation is open through June 22. IPC welcomes your feedback on the proposed regulation. IPC Contact: Kelly Scanlon.
Canada Proposes New Limits on Flame Retardants, Other EEE Substances: Canada recently proposed a new regulation to prohibit the manufacture, use, sale, and import of two additive flame retardants used in a wide variety of electronic and electrical equipment (EEEs), including wire and cable jacketing. The regulation would also implement new restrictions on perfluorooctanoic (PFOA) and its related compounds. For more information, please read the regulatory impact analysis statement, let us know if you have any questions. IPC Contact: Kelly Scanlon.
China Cancels Imported Coatings Requirement: China recently moved to terminate a measure that would require notification and testing of imported coatings two months prior to importation. However, this change will not affect supervision and testing of the products by China customs, and businesses should ensure coatings follow relevant concentration standards of hazardous chemical substances. Let us know if you have any questions. IPC Contact: Kelly Scanlon.
Join Experts at 2022 Critical Environmental Requirements for Electronics Conference: Virtual, June 7. Join leading environmental regulatory experts at IPC and ITI’s virtual 2022 Critical Environmental Requirements for Electronics Conference on June 7 for key analysis on Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) risk evaluations and recordkeeping requirements, UK-based chemical and product policies, and the dynamic PFAS policy landscape. IPC Contact: Kelly Scanlon.
Join the U.K. Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Intel, The Compliance Map, and other experts at IPC's and Information Technology Industry Council (ITI)'s virtual 2022 Critical Environmental Requirements for Electronics Conference on June 7. Register now. |
The introduction of the “Supporting American Printed Circuit Boards Act,” offered by Reps. Anna Eshoo (D-CA) and Blake Moore (R-UT), is a significant step to bolster the overlooked PCB sector. Now we must work together to promote its enactment. Please take a few minutes and head to IPC's Action Alert Center to contact your Members of Congress and urge them to support and cosponsor this bill. |
Meet the IPC GR Team: Whether it’s engaging with policymakers in Washington, D.C., in the European Union or in China, the IPC Government Relations (GR) Team proactively seeks opportunities to educate, inform and influence policymakers on policies that spur innovation, growth and competition, while protecting human health and the environment. But our success depends on your support and engagement. Learn more and get involved in IPC advocacy today! IPC Contact: Chris Mitchell.
Subscribe to IPC Global Advocacy Report: If you’re a member of IPC, manage your e-mail preferences and opt in to receive “Advocacy” updates. If you are not an IPC member — or you’re not sure — please send a note to friends@ipc.org, and our staff will add you to the list.
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