Dear IPC Members:
After a flurry of activity last week, this week was a bit quieter.
Late last week, our subsidiary, U.S. Partnership for Assured Electronics (USPAE) hosted 25 finalists at the Defense TechConnect Innovation Summit where they awarded a combined $10 million through the inaugural Defense Business Accelerator (DBX) Microelectronics Challenge.
On the heels of last week’s launch of the European Union’s Chips Joint Undertaking, the Chips JU put out a call for four pilot production lines to the “bridge the gap from lab to fab.”
Also in the EU, IPC submitted more comments advocating for a reduction in reporting requirements for electronics manufacturers as the European Commission works to reduce reporting requirements by 25%.
Please read on to learn more about our work on the issues affecting the electronics manufacturing industry and let us know your thoughts and questions. All the best, |
Chris Mitchell
Vice President, Global Government Relations
The Headlines at a Glance:
- Seven Companies Awarded $10M in Inaugural Defense Business Accelerator
- Investment Fund Manager on Investment in SisTech, U.S. PCB Manufacturing
- Comment Deadline Dec. 15 on Proposed U.S. Rule Restricting Trichloroethylene Use
- Push Continues to Reduce Reporting Burden for EU Manufacturers
- Chips Joint Undertaking Launches
- IPC Meets with Members of Congress to Discuss Industry’s Future
- IPC Applauds New U.S. Strategy for Advanced Packaging
- U.S. President Takes Actions on Supply Chain Resilience
- IPC Earns Federal Recognition for Apprenticeship Standards
- IPC WinterCom 2024, Jan. 22-25
- WHMA Global Leadership Summit, Feb. 13-15
- IPC APEX EXPO 2024, April 6-11
Seven Companies Awarded $10M in Inaugural DBX Program: IPC subsidiary U.S. Partnership for Assured Electronics (USPAE) selected seven companies out of 25 finalists last week to receive a combined $10 million for research and development of commercial technologies with defense capabilities. The inaugural Defense Business Accelerator (DBX) Microelectronics Challenge launched as a partnership with the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD). Its goal is to determine if the DoD can accelerate growth of a robust domestic industrial base by focusing on the commercialization of early-stage, hardware-intensive technologies with dual use for national security and then scaling them into resilient businesses. USPAE received 279 submissions, with the awardees chosen through a juried event at the Defense TechConnect Innovation Summit Nov. 28. USPAE Contact: Nathan Edwards.
“I think with the CHIPS Act, what we are seeing with China, and what happened in Ukraine, there has been a collective realization that it is really important to have [PCB manufacturing] capability in our country.”
– Steve Cook, executive managing director of LFM Capital, announcing funding for PCB manufacturer SisTech Manufacturing in Bend, Ore. |
Deadline Dec. 15 for Comments on New U.S. EPA Trichloroethylene Rule: The deadline for comments on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) proposed risk management rule prohibiting the import, manufacture, processing, and distribution of trichloroethylene (TCE), a chlorinated solvent, is Friday, Dec. 15. The rule, under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), would also cover the use and disposal of TCE or products containing it, as well as mandate recordkeeping requirements and workplace safety standards. The EPA is proposing the rule to address “the unreasonable risk of injury to human health” from TCE. Prohibited applications would include the industrial and commercial use of TCE in naval electronics systems as well as cleaning practices that require open-top and closed-loop batch vapor degreasing and aerosol spray degreasing. Compliance would start one year after publication of the final rule; however, there would be longer timeframes for phasing out some industrial and commercial uses, such as on naval vessels. IPC Contact: Kelly Scanlon.
IPC Continues Push to Reduce Reporting Burden for EU Manufacturers: IPC last week re-emphasized the importance of reducing the reporting burden on electronics manufacturers in the European Union. The statement followed IPC’s submission of feedback to the European Commission’s Industrial Forum before the summer. IPC’s comments followed the European Commission’s call for evidence seeking feedback from organizations on the reporting requirements linked to EU legislation which cause the most administrative burden. IPC will continue to engage with the European Commission to reduce administrative burdens linked to reporting requirements by 25%. IPC contact: Alison James.
Chips Joint Undertaking Launches: Following the official entry into force of the European Chips Act at the end of September, the Chips Joint Undertaking (Chips JU) – the public/private body managing the research, development, and innovation (R&D&I) projects at the EU level – launched this week. The Chips JU succeeds the former Key Digital Technologies Joint Undertaking (KDT-JU) and will manage, among other items, “pillar 1” R&D&I activities under the European Chips Act. IPC will be present at the launch meetings and will continue to highlight the importance of a full value supply chain approach to building capacities and capabilities in the region. IPC Contact: Alison James.
IPC Meets with Members of Congress to Discuss Industry Future: IPC President and CEO John W. Mitchell met with key members of the U.S. House of Representatives during the last week of November on the heels of a summit convened by IPC with leaders of the electronics manufacturing services (EMS) sector. In the meetings, John promoted the need for a strong and diverse workforce development strategy, spotlighting the skills gap that could hinder any growth in the industry facilitated by federal investments. He also advocated for a better focus on the entire electronics manufacturing ecosystem, promoting the “silicon-to-systems” approach to building resiliency in the U.S. electronics supply chain. John and others from IPC met with U.S. Rep. Brad Schneider (IL-10th District), an industrial engineer and management consultant whose district includes IPC’s headquarters; U.S. Rep. Jay Obernotle (CA-23rd District), a computer engineer; and U.S. Rep. Mike Collins (GA-10th District), chairman of the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, subcommittee on Research and Technology, with whom John discussed some of the innovative work of IPC member Absolics in the congressman’s district in Convington, Ga. IPC contact: Rich Cappetto.
IPC Applauds New U.S. Government Strategy for Advanced Packaging: On Nov. 20, the U.S. Commerce Department released the “Vision for the National Advanced Packaging Manufacturing Program,” under which approximately $3 billion from the CHIPS and Sciences Act will be used to drive U.S. leadership in advanced packaging, with an initial funding opportunity to be announced in early 2024. IPC has been the leading advocate of a “silicon-to-systems” approach to CHIPS Act implementation, and we’re encouraged by this vision to focus on growth in advanced packaging, PCB fabrication, and electronics assembly. While the plan is not fully to the level needed to truly strengthen the domestic electronics supply chain, it’s a foundation upon which IPC will continue to advocate for a robust ecosystem approach to electronics manufacturing investments. IPC Contact: Chris Mitchell.
U.S. President Takes Actions on Supply Chain Resilience: On Nov. 27, U.S. President Joe Biden convened the inaugural meeting of the White House Council on Supply Chain Resilience, pulling together the secretaries and representatives from multiple federal agencies to advance a long-term, government-wide strategy for building enduring supply chains in all industries. Part of the council’s charge will be to produce a quadrennial review of the nation’s supply chain, including in sectors critical to national and economic security. IPC applauds the strategy’s emphases on solidifying the U.S. defense industrial base and enhancing international cooperation. IPC welcomes this executive focus on the U.S. supply chain as an antidote to the extreme disruptions we’ve experienced in recent years from pandemics, geopolitics, and natural disasters. Read more about the Council’s charge and responsibilities.
U.S. Department of Labor Approves IPC Apprenticeship Standards: On Nov. 15, IPC President and CEO John W. Mitchell was hosted by Megan Baird, Deputy Administrator of the Office of Apprenticeship at the U.S. Department of Labor, for a signing ceremony to recognize IPC’s National Program Standards of Apprenticeship. These standards are the first in the electronics industry to be approved on the federal level, recognizing our industry’s need for more skilled workers and IPC’s leadership in workforce training. Read more in this IPC Blog and learn how your company can get involved. IPC contact: Cory Blaylock.
IPC WinterCom 2024: Barcelona, Spain, Jan. 22-25. A new event to support IPC standards development committees in face-to-face sessions, WinterCom 2024 will convene colleagues from around the globe for a week of meetings. The event is free to both IPC members and non-members with an interest in IPC standards development. Register today!
WHMA Global Leadership Summit: Myrtle Beach, S.C., Feb. 13-15. Formerly the WHMA Annual Conference, the WHMA's Annual Global Leadership Summit is a networking event for executives representing wire harness manufacturers, OEMs, and suppliers for companies that build wiring harnesses and cable assemblies. A dynamic event pulling together representatives from across the industry, keynote presentations will address leadership and workplace culture as well as emerging trends reshaping the electronics industry. Register today!
IPC APEX EXPO 2024: Anaheim, Calif., April 6-11. The largest electronics manufacturing event in North America, APEX features the newest innovations and the best minds in the industry. APEX 2024 will also host the Electronic Circuits World Convention 16, an international PCB symposium held every three years, featuring the latest information on global PCB demand, PCB manufacturing processes, and promoting the domestic PCB industry in every country and every region. Register by March 1 for discount rates.
Meet the IPC GR Team: Whether it is engaging with policymakers in the Americas, the European Union, or Asia, the IPC Government Relations (GR) Team proactively seeks opportunities to educate, inform and influence policymakers on policies that spur innovation, growth and competition, while protecting human health and the environment. But our success depends on your support and engagement. Learn more and get involved in IPC advocacy today! IPC Contact: Chris Mitchell.
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