Dear IPC Members:
Your IPC Government Relations team is gearing up for a busy fall and winter season of advocacy on your behalf.
In Washington, the U.S. House and Senate are working to pass the FY 2024 spending bills by September 30, when FY23 ends, but many disagreements remain. There are several scenarios, including a government “shutdown;” a short-term “continuing resolution” to maintain operations at FY23 levels; or some combination of these approaches. We’re watching for any impacts on programs that affect electronics manufacturing.
Specifically, IPC has been advocating for policy and funding measures to better support the PCB and advanced packaging sectors, including funding to implement President Biden’s “presidential determination,” which prioritizes the domestic development of PCBs under the Defense Production Act (DPA). While IPC-backed provisions have not been included in legislative language yet, we are continuing to explore several avenues to advance these objectives.
In Brussels, IPC is continuing its ongoing dialogue with the European Commission. At the commission’s request, together with partners and stakeholders, we recently submitted an industry-curated report with recommendations to bolster Europe’s PCB and EMS sectors. IPC will be following up on those ideas as Brussels returns to business this fall.
In case you missed it, here is our IPC Government Relations progress report for the first half of 2023.
Please read on to learn more about how you can join our industry’s advocacy efforts on business-critical issues in the United States, Europe, and worldwide. All the best, |
Chris Mitchell
Vice President, Global Government Relations
The Headlines at a Glance:
- U.S. Commerce Secretary Visits China, Dismisses “Decoupling”
- IPC to Co-Host CHIPS R&D Standards Summit
- U.S. Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo on Her Recent Visit to China
- Four New Faces in the IPC DC Office
- U.S. Economy Resilient; Eurozone Perks Up
- IPC Publishes Sustainability Resource Paper for Members
- IPC Day, September 27-28
- Economic Update and Market Outlook Webinar, October 5
U.S. Commerce Secretary Visits China, Dismisses “Decoupling”: In a visit to Beijing and Shanghai last week, U.S. Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo “told Chinese officials that the United States was not seeking to sever economic ties with China, but she expressed a litany of concerns that were prompting the business community to describe China as ‘uninvestable,’” the New York Times reports. Raimondo told the Times she had raised various concerns of U.S. companies like Intel, Micron and Boeing, but she “didn’t receive any commitments.” The Chinese “asked for the United States to reduce export controls on advanced technology and retract a recent ban on U.S. new investments in China.” IPC Contact: Chris Mitchell
IPC to Co-Host CHIPS R&D Standards Summit: The U.S. Government and private-sector stakeholders including IPC are coming together to co-host a CHIPS Research and Development Standards Summit on Sept. 27-29, focused on identifying priorities for relevant standards activities and enabling a diverse, standards-capable workforce. The summit will cover the full range of standards types, and the entire chips and microelectronics sector, from materials and design to fabrication, packaging, and testing and certification. IPC Chief Technology Officer Matt Kelly and VP of Education Dave Hernandez will participate on IPC’s behalf, and both will take the opportunity to meet with key policy makers while in DC. A post-summit report will inform standards planning efforts across the semiconductor innovation ecosystem and within CHIPS R&D Office. IPC Contact: Chris Mitchell.
“This isn’t about decoupling,” she said. “This is about maintaining our very consequential trade relationship, which is good for America, good for China and good for the world.”
– U.S. Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo on the message of her recent visit to China |
Four New Faces in the IPC DC Office: As previously announced, over the last few months, IPC has welcomed four new faces in its Washington office as part of its ongoing efforts to educate and influence U.S. policymakers. Richard Cappetto, a 14-year veteran of the U.S. House of Representatives, is our new senior director for North American government relations. Michelle Mermelstein is the new senior director of media engagement. Nyron Rouse is the new director of government grants and strategic funding initiatives. And Kate Koger is our new public affairs coordinator. The rest of the team remains the same: Kelly Scanlon is Lead Sustainability Strategist; Suhani Chitalia is Manager of Environmental Regulatory Affairs; Alison James is Senior Director of European Government Relations; and yours truly, Chris Mitchell, is VP of Global Government Relations. Please follow us on LinkedIn!
U.S. Economy Resilient; Eurozone Perking Up: According to IPC’s August 2023 Economic Outlook report, the forecast for economic growth in the United States is up from the beginning of the year, while Europe is experiencing the most substantial growth since the second quarter of 2022. The U.S. manufacturing sector in July recorded its first gain in three months, with auto production up by 5.2 percent. While the U.S. economy has surpassed expectations, the Federal Reserve has raised rates significantly over the last year, signaling tremendous headwinds as those rates take effect. IPC Contact: Shawn Dubravac.
IPC Publishes Sustainability Resource Paper for Members: In light of the growing need to understand and address environmental sustainability challenges in the electronics manufacturing industry, IPC recently published a white paper that provides an overview of eight sustainability topics that affect the industry. The report also covers several changes needed to help industry move in a more sustainable direction; barriers and pitfalls on the path; options for company actions; and more than 30 useful online resources. To learn more, download the paper and explore the links it contains. Meanwhile, in a new edition of the Altium OnTrack podcast, IPC Lead Sustainability Strategist Kelly Scanlon talks about IPC’s plans to provide standards, education, and advocacy to help the electronics manufacturing industry navigate the environmental, social, and corporate governance aspects of sustainability in electronics. IPC Contact: Kelly Scanlon.
IPC Day: Build Electronics Better with Standards and Solutions, Conference Powered by Flex: Timisoara, Romania, September, 27-28. The conference will provide a unique opportunity to learn about the latest advancements in electronics manufacturing, participate in industry discussions, and network with a community of professionals dedicated to building electronics better. The world-class lineup includes speakers and panelists from NASA, Stellantis, Bosch, Flex, Indium, IPC, The Polytechnic University, and Vitesco. Registration is free.
Quarterly Economic Update and Market Outlook Webinar: Online, October 5. Stay up to date on the latest economic developments and gain valuable insights from IPC Chief Economist Shawn DuBravac as he helps you navigate an uncertain economic landscape. Registration is free.
The IPC Government Relations team works for you year-round. But our success depends on active participation from IPC members like you. Please visit the IPC Advocacy Center and pledge to stay involved in IPC advocacy. We will send you timely action alerts and make it easy to communicate with your elected officials with just a few clicks. |
"Industry-government collaboration is crucial to ensure the government can capitalize on the latest technologies, help industry better position itself to support defense needs, and to provide greater supply chain resilience for all." Great insights from our colleague Chris Peters at U.S. Partnership for Assured Electronics (USPAE). IPC is an active collaborator with multiple government agencies around the world on these very issues. |
Meet the IPC GR Team: Whether it is engaging with policymakers in the Americas, the European Union, or Asia, the IPC Government Relations (GR) Team proactively seeks opportunities to educate, inform and influence policymakers on policies that spur innovation, growth and competition, while protecting human health and the environment. But our success depends on your support and engagement. Learn more and get involved in IPC advocacy today! IPC Contact: Chris Mitchell.
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